House SEC SAB 121 Vote Postponed After Alleged Biden Letter

Ali Raza By Ali Raza 4 Min Read

House SEC SAB 121: A dramatic letter from President Biden is said to have been received by the House of Representatives, which is why the vote to overturn President Biden’s veto on the SEC’s anti-crypto rule, SAB 121, has been delayed.

House Vote on SEC SAB 121 Postponed

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 (SAB 121) has been delayed until after the House vote to overcome President Biden’s veto. Voting will now occur on Thursday, July 11, at around 10:30 AM instead of Wednesday, July 10, as originally planned. The vote postponement was caused by a letter that President Biden’s administration supposedly submitted to the House. The letter’s contents remain a mystery.

House Vote on SEC SAB 121 Postponed

The delay caused alarm and irritation for Representative Patrick McHenry, who has openly opposed the SEC’s rule. Since the regulation requires businesses that hold cryptocurrency for customers to record these assets as liabilities on their balance sheets, McHenry argued that it is anti-crypto. The way we are doing business is unacceptable, he remarked.

Background on SAB 121

Companies dealing with cryptocurrency must adhere to strict accounting requirements outlined in the SEC’s SAB 121, released in 2022. Some of the most vocal voices in the cryptocurrency world are against the rule, arguing that it imposes too much restriction on the market and impedes business growth. Companies are reportedly unable to offer crypto custodian services to more conventional banks because the rule requires them to treat crypto assets as liabilities.

With support from both parties, the House SEC SAB 121 and Senate had already supported a repeal. But President Biden’s administration vetoed the measure, so now there’s a movement to override his decision. This postponement impacts the continuing discussion over the regulation of cryptocurrencies in the US in a roundabout way. There are questions about whether there are enough legislators to override the veto because President Biden’s letter swayed some of them.

Overriding a presidential veto in the House of Representatives requires a two-thirds vote, which is exceedingly challenging given the contemporary political climate. According to some sources, with the upcoming elections, many Democrats who advocated for the repeal may now be on Biden’s side.

Political and Market Reactions

Stakeholders’ reactions to the vote’s delay have been varied. According to a new survey, voters who identify. Republicans favor Bitcoin and would rather see regulations drafted by their representatives than by outside bodies. Meanwhile, the attitude taken by the Biden administration regarding the retention of SAB 121 makes.

It is quite certain that the bitcoin sector will continue to be actively watched. This stance can damage market sentiment and investor trust in the cryptocurrency field. All eyes will be on Thursday when the House returns to deal with this crucial matter. Depending on whether President Biden’s position successfully overrides the veto.


The vote on House SEC SAB 121 has been delayed due to a purported letter from President Biden. This letter highlights the significance and difficulty of regulating choices in the dynamic Bitcoin industry. The outcome of this discussion will affect the trajectory of digital assets and financial innovation in America. As policymakers, regulators, and industry players negotiate this terrain.

Due to the dynamic nature of the Bitcoin market, an approach that promotes innovation and economic progress is necessary. Also, addressing the need for transparency and investors. Safety is necessary—decisions will be made in the next few weeks and months. Cryptocurrency regulation will affect the sector and the wider financial system for years.

Read More: Anti-Crypto Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses NY Democratic Primary

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Ali Raza has been writing about blockchain and cryptocurrencies for over Three years and is now the editor-in-chief of Latestcoinsnews. After a meteoric rise in late 2016, Ali Raza's enthusiasm for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies skyrocketed. He can't sleep with one eye on the market because he's so fascinated by the technical and economic ramifications of cryptocurrency.